23rd St.Gallen Airway Management Symposium,
15-16 November 2024
Program as PDF
Friday15. November
- Presentations
- Pediatric Airway Management: A Decade of Lessons
- A. Garcia-Marcinkiewicz, Philadelphia USA
- How does Sugammadex influence the management of the predicted or unpredicted difficult airway?
- Th. Heidegger, Grabs CH
- The current role of awake airway management
- M. Parotto, Toronto CA
- AI for Airway: Hype or Reality?
- P. Schoettker, Lausanne CH
- Should apneic oxygenation become standard of care?
- Th. Riva, Bern CH
- Airway Management Guidelines Update
- C. S. Romero-Garcia, Valencia ES
- Airway management in extreme situations
- P. Paal, Salzburg AT
- Modified RSI in adults
- A. Jacomet, St.Gallen CH
Saturday16. November
- Referate
- Airway management and surgical techniques in cervical & thoracic airway surgery
- G. Kocher
- Strategic considerations in airway management from an ENT perspective
- U. Borner, Bern CH
- Airway management in Switzerland: results of an online-survey
- S. Mackert, Luzern CH
- Mitigating risks of pulmonary aspiration in anaesthesia – an «ultra sound» approach
- S. Bättig, Zürich CH
- Pre-hospital Airway Management: Is it just about the tube?
- U. Pietsch, St.Gallen CH
- Safety in airway management - have we reached the maximum?
- J. Koppenberg, Scuol CH
- Do we need further studies about videolaryngoscopy?
- K. Ruetzler, Cleveland USA
- Workshops Airway Management
- Videolaryngoskopie
- P. Schoettker, Lausanne CH
- Koniotomie
- S. Meili, St.Gallen CH
- F. Savaria, St.Gallen CH
- Fiberoptische Intubation: Tipps und Tricks
- A. Bischof, St.Gallen CH
- Th. Ruckstuhl, St.Gallen CH
- Kinderairway
- M. Hölzle, Luzern CH
- M. Kahlert-Fasciati, St.Gallen CH
- Tubuswechsel
- C. Gmür, Grabs CH
- Jetbeatmung und Ventrain
- D. Heisenberg, St.Gallen CH
- D. Kora, St. Gallen CH
- Gastric ultrasound
- S. Bättig, Zürich CH
- R. Meierhans, Winterthur CH
- B. Spicher, Bern CH